Grasses of North America north of Mexico: Hordeum marinum 8321

By: Roland von, Claus Baden, Niels H. Jacobsen
From: Bothmer, R. von, C. Baden, and N.H. Jacobsen (2007). Hordeum. In: Barkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long, L.K. Anderton, and M.B. Piep. (Eds.), Flora of North America North of Mexico 24, pp. 241-253. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. ©Utah State University. Reproduced by permission..

Key metadata

Hordeum marinum

North America north of Mexico

©Utah State University. Reproduced by permission.


Bothmer, R. von, C. Baden, and N.H. Jacobsen (2007). Hordeum. In: Barkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long, L.K. Anderton, and M.B. Piep. (Eds.), Flora of North America North of Mexico 24, pp. 241-253. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. ©Utah State University. Reproduced by permission..

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Roland von, Claus Baden, Niels H. Jacobsen (2017). Hordeum marinum, in: KeyBase: Grasses of North America north of Mexico, <> [Seen: 20-02-2025].

KeyBase (2025). Grasses of North America north of Mexico: Hordeum marinum. [Seen: 20-02-2025].

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Mary Barkworth
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Modified by
Niels Klazenga
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