Severity: Warning
Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Filename: controllers/keybase.php
Line Number: 27
KeyBase currently contains 0 keys to taxa.
Severity: Warning
Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
Filename: static/home.php
Line Number: 12
KeyBase was defaced over Christmas by a user who abused their privileges. While we have been able to remove this user and restore the home page, to prevent future abuse, we had to take down the login and registration capabilities, so at the moment it is not possible to create and edit keys in KeyBase.
KeyBase runs on very old software and to provide the security that is needed to allow file uploads in the current cyber security climate, a new application is needed. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria unfortunately does not have the resources to develop such an application at short notice.
We apologise for the inconvenience
KeyBase is a database and web application for managing and deploying interactive pathway keys to plants, animals and other groups of organisms.
KeyBase provides an environment where pathway keys, traditionally developed for print, can be used more effectively in a web environment. Keys in KeyBase can be easily linked, essentially joining them into larger, seamless keys, but with each still available to be used independently. Keys can be filtered and displayed in a variety of formats.
You can search for a key to a family, genus or species by entering its name in the query box above, or browse a list of keys in any project by clicking on the project link on the left. Once you've opened a key, you can display it in the familiar formats, or you can use KeyBase's key player. Once you've keyed out a taxon – and if there is a key to that taxon in KeyBase – you can jump to that key by clicking on the ► button after the taxon name. You can also apply filters to keys, either locally for a single key by selecting which taxa you want to include or exclude, or globally by uploading a list of taxon names and selecting the projects you'd like to look in for keys.
KeyBase projects can be collaborative. After registering, you can request to join a project. As a contributor to a project in KeyBase you can upload new keys and help manage and maintain keys in the project, to help keep keys current. KeyBase users can also start new projects.